
Author: catherine tung

Catherine (she/her/hers) is a middle school math teacher who is always learning new things and enjoys working on hands-on activities such as making geometric art,  number puzzles, and games with students. She was very excited to launch a two-stage balloon rocket and bottle-rocket for the first time while putting together the aviation curriculum. She hopes that you will also get to experience these exciting activities for yourself.

This course is good for someone who…

  • Knows some physics, including principles of forces such as lift, thrust, weight, and drag.

  • Is excited about guiding students through building and testing engineering projects.

  • Can lead students through building, testing, and recording data about their prototypes.

This course features…

  • An engaging, hands-on introduction to principles of aviation.

  • Exciting engineering projects in every lesson: students build kites, balloons, gliders, and rockets.

  • Engagement with the scientific method, as students test and record data about their designs.