Testimonials for BEAM
“[BEAM] is perhaps the most successful program ever at supporting the proposition that even in the lowest-income neighborhoods and with underrepresented minority students, there are kids who can work at the highest mathematical level (i.e., MathPath level) if only they are given an intervention to overcome their “enrichment deficit.””
BEAM alumnus Malachi at MathPath, 2014
“BEAM has significantly improved the lives and academics of individual students in our school. More importantly to me, BEAM has raised the level of mathematics in our school and our school culture has reached a new level of excellence as a result. I am a 12th year teacher in a vigorous math department and know that the new rigor, creativity, and excitement in our students for mathematics as a result of BEAM presence and work. Because the BEAM program moves them forward as 7th graders and high school students they will have a world of opportunities in STEM opened to them that would have otherwise been unavailable. ”
“I can’t emphasize enough how transformative an experience this program is for the students, and how much I wished such a program existed where I grew up when I was a rising 8th grader. Teaching at [BEAM] was a great joy, and I highly recommend it as an outreach initiative to get involved in!”
“I have spent my entire career in public higher education, and have been involved in a variety of mathematics enrichment and mentoring programs for high school girls, undergraduate and graduate students in STEM fields, and early-career mathematicians. BEAM embodies many of the best features of all the programs with which I have been associated, but there is something unparalleled about the program that they have designed. They have a deep understanding of their target population, and they have used that knowledge to create a remarkable experience that is mathematically rigorous and exciting, and provides students and their families with the academic and personal support necessary to ensure that alumni can be successful beyond their summer on campus. ”
“I clearly don’t know where I would be on my education without BEAM. This program has opened numerous opportunities to me and offered me all the help I ever needed. BEAM is my go-to places for whatever struggle I’m facing and I am beyond grateful for that.”
“[BEAM] really did help me later on in my life because it did make me pursue educational programs like [MOSTEC at MIT] and explore outside my comfort zone... I thank you and everyone that made BEAM possible.
Again thank you for essentially changing my life. I am very grateful.”
“[I’m] not afraid of living on campus anymore.”
“[BEAM] was fast-paced and always interesting.”
“BEAM has helped me come to closer to my future goals than anything else aside from my family ever has; they have given me the best of advice and have referred me to countless new opportunities. I owe a lot of my current and future success to BEAM and hope to one day be able to repay the favor.”
“This summer I learned not only to be a great mathematician, but to be more curious and independent.”
“Math is something everyone should learn. It’s amazing and I hope I can keep on learning more math. I want to get a PhD in math.”