Week 1: Start of Something New
The summer is in full swing, but BEAM is just getting started. So far students have been assorted into one of two sets, either Calderón or Granville, and begun taking classes in Logical Reasoning, Math Fundamentals, Applied Math, and Math Team Strategies.
Faculty member David assists Justin, Jose, and Conaré during Open Math Time.
Some students are excited about taking their first class on computer programing, while others are asking hard hitting questions about force and relativity in their Space class.
"Give me more challenging problems" -Lilly (Calderón) proudly displaying her decorated binder
Jason, Brianna, Messiah, and Mohammad are enjoying an exciting game of Kickball.
Open Math Time (OMT) gave everyone a chance to work on problem sets in groups or ask for assistance from the Teaching Assistants.
Nicole, Maryam, and Aamirah working during OMT
Last week many students have attempted this week's challenge problem during their OMT. Ten students have already completed the Challenge Problem. Students are discovering they have a lot in common with kids from both sets during their daily and weekly activity times.