
BEAM Goes to the Opera- Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A concoction of perfumes filled the halls of the dorm, lip gloss was generously applied, shirts were tucked in, and hair was transformed into artful masterpieces as the students primped up for their night out. Everyone was finally ready, and the group walked towards the architecturally sublime Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts. The BEAMers, gawking at the sight of the place, entered the building. The dress rehearsal for the opera Iris was spectacular. The students were amazed with the wonderful scenery, impressive special effects, and beautiful music. What a night. 

Beginning of Week 2!- Tuesday, July 19, 2016

After two days of amazing field trips, the second academic week began. The courses being offered this week are: Solving Big Problems; Math Team Strategies; Voting Theory; Number Theory; Symmetries, Mosaics, and ¿Dancing?; and Programming.

Leon Botstein, the president of Bard College, gave the students a beginning-of-the-week commencement speech, during which he talked about the importance of academics and of programs like BEAM. Additionally, he invited the BEAMers to attend the dress rehearsal for the opera "Iris", which he will be conducting, on Wednesday evening. 

The good news just keeps rolling in: the fourth challenge problem has been solved by one of our BEAMers: Kenneth. The prize is yet to be announced. 

What a BEAMing start to the second week!