High School Application Information

Now is the time to apply for high school. The LAUSD Choices deadline is November 17th for all applications. Here at BEAM, we’re available to help you make sure you apply to the right schools for you.


Schedule a meeting with us to talk about your high school plans

We want to talk about your plans for high school, and have lots of information to help you navigate the application process.

What: BEAM High School Meetings

When: Between now and mid-November; fill out the form below or contact us to schedule a meeting (lainfo@beammath.org or (323) 430-9456).

Where: Over Zoom or at Saturday Office Hours

Research schools to decide where to apply

We’ve put together a guide below covering the basics of what to look for and how to apply through the LAUSD Choices process. We’re happy to help you apply to any high school you’re interested in applying for.

Review school data

We’ve also collected statistics about your local Zone of Choice schools, and Choices programs within and near the LAUSD Central district. Click below to see school’s Graduation rate, percentage of graduates meeting UC-CSU requirements, the percentage who attend 4-year and 2-year colleges, the percentage of students scoring at least “meets expectations” on SBAC math, and whether the school offers AP Biology, AP Calculus, and AP Physics. These number shouldn’t be the only thing you consider when choosing where to apply, but they can be a helpful starting point.

LAUSD Resources

These links take you to the eChoices application to apply for high schools, the eChoices brochure that lists all schools available on eChoices other than Zone of Choice schools, and the SchoolMint school search engine that lets you read in depth about schools and sort by which are close to where you live.

EChoices Tutorial (English version)

EChoices Tutorial (en español)

Presentation On High school application

These are the slides from a past meeting about applying to high school in LA.

Are you considering Charter schools?

We’re more than happy to help you apply! The application process for charter schools may be different for each school, but we are here to help you with the process.